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All Equal in God’s Eyes

Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. We are all equal in God’s eyes. He loves us all. Irrespective of our background, our race, our gender, our demographics, etc. He loves us all, period the end. Equality is a big issue for me. Most especially in ...

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The Gravity Of Our Ideas

Our ideas are born from other men’s ideas.The ideas found in God’s word are transcendent truths. Timeless ideas from God written down by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it’s through a song sometimes it’s through the written word, blog post or article but every man’s idea stems from ...

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train sidetracked

As he drove, a young man looked down at the text message on his cell phone. Suddenly he was off the road, knocked down a sign, and his car was nose down in the ditch. It could have been worse. The sign could have been a person that he killed. ...

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