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Breath of Life From Above

Luke 2343– And Jesus said to him; “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Life. How would you personally describe it? Paradise?  Personally, what does that mean to you? Life–something or someone that has breath with complex functions. Paradise–An eternal place of peace and ...

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Where is God When Tragedy Strikes?

Firefighters during fire tragedy

Tragedies abound in the USA.  Homicide and Suicide rates continue to increase.  Mass Shootings abound, with over 400 mass shootings in the US this year already.  Homicides totaled 26.031 in 2021. Suicides totaled 49,500 in 2022, while drug-related deaths were reported at 109,680.  Every day in 2021, about 37 people ...

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Blueprint Of The Early church.

Church Attendance

Acts 2:42  — And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The context of Acts 2 is the infancy stage of the church era. Three thousand souls were added to the apostolic church in the previous verse. The people were ...

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