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Strength In Christ

In the book of Job the word strength is used 22 times in the King James Version (KJV) translation. We see Job as a model of strength. Enduring all the trials he was put through and not once forsaking the God that allowed them. How can a man lose so ...

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Rejoicing In Jail

The jailer pushed us into a dark, dirty, musty, and ill-smelling room. The air reeked with urine and feces smells. It had not been cleaned in a long time, if ever. There were no windows and no ventilation. The air we breathed was stale, foul, and breathtaking. Then he bound ...

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Solar Panels For Jesus

Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. A local radio station was having a fund raiser sponsored by local churches in my area for populations in Africa. The churches hope they could help bring solar-powered energy solutions to rural ...

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