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Questions From The Heart

When God first brought you into this world, your parents treasured you as a pearl. Precious in their eyes to behold, they waited for your destiny to unfold. As they watched you grow before their eyes, they didn’t realize what God had in mind. Soon you were sent off to ...

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Discerning Your Assignment

If you’re anything like me there was a time in your walk with Christ where you had to think about where exactly you fit in. In life in general and in the local church. I’ll be talking about how to discern where you fit in at your local church. I ...

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Child King Brings Revival

Child King

(from Josiah’s story in 2 Kings 22 – 23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35) There was mourning – sort of.  King Amon, the wicked son of the most wicked king of Judah, Manasseh, had been assassinated after only two years as king.  Then the people of the land put the assassins ...

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