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Wings of the Morning

A faint glow kisses the eastern sky. Peeping over the horizon, soft hues proclaim signs of a new dawn, heralding the arrival of the wings of the morning. The growing light chases away the night sky, the final twinkling stars fade. Sunlight cracks open the sky as I mount up ...

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The Age To Quit

At age 97, Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara was one of the world’s longest-serving physicians, authors, and educators. He had served since 1941 in Tokyo’s St Luke Hospital and also taught at St. Luke’s College of Nursing. He published 150 books after his 75th birthday. Until a few months before he died ...

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Is It Time To Consider Long Term Care?

Galatians 6:2   Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. “I feel so guilty…” – is a statement I’ve heard throughout my entire career as a Director in Social Services, and Long-Term Healthcare Administrator. This was a comment that was parroted by the vast majority of ...

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