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How Much More?

Matthew 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Until just recently my brother, Anthony, enjoyed singleness. In quietness and comfort he has happily chosen ...

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Foreshadows Of Joy Shining Over The Horizon

Abundant love fills my heart with yearning to follow His ways. Having Your light is essential to my inner focus of Spiritual goals, and sanctions of my very soul! I have willingly ensconced myself further into your Presence. Will I submerge into a vapid pit of nonexistence? Truly, I shall ...

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Why Bother With Church?

Church Attendance

A young man went to enlist in the Army and was accepted. They told him to report for basic training on a specific date at Fort Benning, Georgia. He informed the recruiting officer, “I don’t plan to attend basic training. I will train here at home by myself.” The officer ...

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