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God’s Overcoming Plan For Us

Charging forth with all our might,we won’t give up but continue to fight!For, you see, there is a battle going on,placed in our paths to make us strong.Sometimes we tend to forget its purpose,yielding more towards frustrations that hurt us.God has prepared us for each spiritual war,knowing full well there ...

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Afflictions From A Faithful God

Doctor assisting woman in emergency

Psalm 119:75 I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. We had prayed for healing. My wife of 53 years was in the early morning of her fifth day in the hospital. Since she had previously survived other severe events in ...

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A Mind For Missions

I recently got back from serving with a group of volunteers from the KNCSB disaster relief team. The KNCSB is the Kansas Nebraska convention of Southern Baptists, and I’m a part of their disaster relief team. When a disaster strikes any part of the untied states we have teams all ...

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