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My Life And Mission

On June 9, 2023, I turned 74. This article is a reflection on my life, as well as my senior years. It is also a testament to God’s grace. I have been through financial hardship, living from paycheck to paycheck, stood in unemployment lines, and gone from job to job. ...

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David Versus Goliath: A Battle Of Giants

David, the youngest son of Jesse the Ephrathite, A shepherd boy who wasn’t afraid of a fight. He tended his father’s sheep, and in a moment of their despair, He smote a lion and a bear. From his brothers he was set apart, Anointed above them, after God measured his ...

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Powerful Commandment

John 15:17  These things I command you, that ye love one another. People throw around the Love-word quite frequently throughout the day. So frequently in fact that the true meaning of the word gets lost. For example, “I love this ice cream…I love chocolate…I love baseball” so on and forth. Of course, there ...

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