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The Farmer Who Grew

There was a farmer who didn’t know God. He would often wake before sunrise to work in the sod. He would plant the beans and the corn, His life felt meaningful, but he was not yet reborn. Day-after-day, he fed the animals with bales of hay, But deep inside of ...

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Kingdom Connection

John 17:16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Disconnecting from the world and connecting with the LORD, is a joy that I will never get over, nor would I want to!  How do I personally disconnect from the world? For me it’s ...

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Are Christians Winning The Fight?

There are many beliefs and ideologies that exist today that are contrary to God’s Word. As Christians, we are often told that we are wrong, or are forced to endure as we watch as the world around us seems to be falling apart. Is this losing? Are we being beaten ...

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