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Being Kind To Others

I read a sign in my neighbor’s back yard that said “Bee Kind”, where there were six small bunnies chasing around a bee with a lot of energy. I imagine that this neighbor might be very kind to the wild animals he sees roaming around his yard. When I meditate ...

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Personal Peace

This is the third “P” word in this series of articles. The Bible speaks of four different kinds of peace: peace with God, inner peace, peace in the midst of a troubled world, and peace with others. Romans 5:1 says that Christians “have been justified by faith, we have peace ...

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The Blazing Word

I think it would be a fair assumption that many of us have been faced with the challenge of sharing God’s Word with others. What do we say to those struggling? What do we say to those who are in need of salvation? It can be hard to utter the ...

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