Recent Posts

Experiencing God’s Presence

This is the second in a series of articles discussing the 6 “P” words: God’s protection, presence, peace, power, purpose, and promises. With the world experiencing so much lawlessness, it is comforting to know that Christians have a divine presence wherever we go. Psalm 121:8 says “the Lord will keep ...

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Through The Hollowed Cross To The Hallowed Path

I see the vision when I worship God: I kneel by the huge erected wood cross, See my debt of sin and guilt, All has been nailed on it through Jesus Christ’s death. The water and blood flowing down from His body on the cross, Cleansed my wounds and healed ...

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Claiming God’s Protection

This will be a six-part series on “P” words to live by: God’s protection, presence, peace, power, purposes, and promises. In the next several months I will post articles on each of these, beginning with God’s protection. The times in which we live can be fearful and unsafe. With mass ...

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