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It’s Time To “Be You”

You are God's light

Dear saints, I feel that God wants to encourage you to keep being free to be “you”. You have been set free by the truth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. You are no longer your old self, but a new person in Jesus Christ. Your struggles in ...

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The Savior From Bethlehem

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus it must be remembered that He existed with God the Father before His human birth as expressed in John 1:1-3 and Colossians 1:16. In heaven Jesus was, and is, the exact nature of God. He left His heavenly abode to be “born in ...

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Why The Nativity?

As Christmas approaches more and more nativity scenes will be on display. Will people see nothing more than a baby in a manger? Will they stop to ask if there is some meaning and purpose behind it? Some have even banned it. Many have never heard the biblical account of ...

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