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Jerusalem and the Temple

Without Israel and the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, Bible prophecy cannot be fulfilled. Two new developments have recently taken place. One, at the present time there are five red heifers in Israel, of which one or more may qualify for temple sacrifice and cleansing, in accordance to Jewish beliefs. The ...

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Cracked and Broken Pots of Clay

As I sit around my church family, family and friends, I realized that some of the best vessels for carrying that love are those who have been broken. Those who have deep cracks from living life unspeakable pain from loss and situations that try to take over sanity and peace. ...

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Search Our Hearts

God searches our hearts. He knows when our words come from abundance of righteousness that He has stored within us. And these words- not the empty confessions from the brain -will yield eternal results, and our Father will be pleased. He is faithful to tell us when we are doing, ...

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