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Queen Elizabeth II: A Role Model For Humanity

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, an example of a life lived with integrity and faith in God will live on for decades. She was more than a truly great monarch and leader. Some have said there will no longer be a monarch like her. She became a queen ...

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Let’s Talk About Conversation

I have been thinking a lot lately about conversations. We all know that conversations can make or break a relationship. All it takes is one wrong word or something said in the wrong way to destroy a friendship. On the other hand, words can strengthen and encourage another. There are ...

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A Place Without Trouble

The little farmgirl in the blue gingham dress had troubles swirling around her like the dust so easily kicked up on the roads near her Kansas home. They weren’t troubles much different than anyone else’s: a mean old neighbor, a mischievous little dog, and a busy farm that needed all ...

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