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When Slow Is Good

In a busy world, always hurling us forward, there is so much to be learned through the memories and stories of how our own families walked through life in the past. It was in 1927, after completing just two years of high school, that my grandfather put his education on ...

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What To Do When You Fall

When I was a student, I didn’t appreciate my high school’s rich history, although I knew that it was the oldest school west of the Allegheny Mountains still in use. Built in 1916, it had hallways with marble floors, huge windows, and enormous photos of historical figures hanging down the ...

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A Baby Kitty, And Spiritual Maturity

My household has been nursing, and now raising, an orphaned kitten. It has been a fun experience, but has required a great deal of tender, loving care. The kitten was fed special kitty milk to grow until she was weaned off of it. This brought to mind that the Bible ...

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