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From Where Does Your Help Come?

Some people are born helpers. Never shying away from a need, they have a gift for comforting, assisting, counseling, whatever the need may be. I had a great grandmother who was that type of lady. I have heard many stories of how she helped others. Her name was Margaret and ...

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Families Without Fathers

There is a crisis of families without fathers. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative there are over 18 million children in the United States without a biological, step, or adoptive father living at home. One out of four children have an absent “father.” Their website lists ten adverse results from ...

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The Problem with Coasting

Roller skating was a favorite weekend activity when I was young. Most of us hung out at the roller rink on Friday nights, one or another of our parents taking a carload of us, and dropping us off for the evening. Roller skating was popular during different decades, first in ...

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