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Sin’s Mortality Rate

unequally yoked, Christians paired with unbelievers,

Dr. Robert Liston was a Scottish surgeon in the mid 1800’s who operated with unchallenged speed. He could amputate a limb in just a couple of minutes’ time. But like all other doctors throughout history, he had his bad days in the operating room. This is the story of his ...

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How To Pray Effectively

People pray for many different reasons: for guidance, physical needs, wisdom, guidance, healing, and for resolutions in situations over which one has no control. I am facing a difficult situation soon that I am not looking forward to. It is going to require much wisdom. When praying for guidance it ...

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Obey For Today

Life is full of things done in steps. At times, we can see the end from the beginning. At other times we do not—especially in matters of faith. Being obedient to what you know God is asking you to do requires faith as well as patience. Today’s world makes it ...

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