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When History Really Counts

When I was in middle school, I dreamed of becoming a historian. I was excited just to learn that such a profession existed. While my life took different roads, I am able to write about history today, sharing with others through stories of what happened long ago but should not ...

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The Long Wait for Justice

1946 was a year of Polio in the United States. By August an epidemic was declared, bringing fear to neighborhoods all over the country as state fairs were canceled and public swimming pools were closed. A simple headache brought fear to the heart of the victim, starting a waiting game ...

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Only One Book Offers Life

If I had taken my accounting class more seriously, I would have discovered much sooner that I was actually good at keeping books! Our high school offered many business courses where we learned to type on “old fashioned” typewriters, many of the girls took shorthand classes, and both boys and ...

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