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Holiness Fits The Saint

  Holiness fits the saint, Who has been justified by God’s righteousness through Jesus’ death and resurrection.   It cost Christ Jesus His precious life, Telling God’s truth slant: Father God aggrieves over His children’s wandering in darkness of sin. Without making them holy, He can never embrace them again. ...

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The Way of Worry

 “My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.”   Michel de Montaigne uttered these words 500 years ago, and how true they are today! If you read them when things are going well in your circumstances it almost makes you chuckle, knowing inside that it ...

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The Eighth Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

When I think back on the other seven fruits of the Spirit, gentleness includes love, patience, kindness, and goodness. Gentleness, however, has a special significance not given to the other fruits. The Greek meaning is along the line of “sweet reasonableness.” I Peter 3:4 in the NASV says it is ...

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