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Unchanging Treasure

I had my first regular babysitting job the summer I was 12, caring for a brother and sister who lived a few doors down from my family. Saving all of my money, I would go with my mom to the bank each week to make a deposit into my passbook ...

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Goodness: The Sixth Fruit of the Spirit

How is the previous fruit of kindness different from goodness? A person who is kind does good things, and a good person does kind deeds. Since Galatians 5:22 lists each separately, I knew there had to be some distinction. In researching these words I learned that kindness is defined by ...

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KINDNESS: The Fifth Fruit of the Holy Spirit

There is a popular saying: “Do random acts of kindness” throughout your day. The vast majority of people are kind. It’s part of human nature and doesn’t, in most cases, require much effort. It can be exhibited through conversations, deeds, giving, and simply being thoughtful of others. The Bible has ...

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