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The Fourth Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

Patience, or long-suffering, is the fourth fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. There are, of course, many examples of patience, like waiting in lines, dealing with traffic, interacting with difficult people, or waiting for some situation to be resolved. Indeed, patience really plays out in our relationships. It ...

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Consider the Mix

With summer winding down I always think about my own summer vacations so long ago. One of my happy memories were the days that I would take my mother’s Betty Crocker cookbook that she received as a wedding gift in 1963 and walk the block to my friend’s house. Michelle ...

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The Journey To Be Born Again In His Garden   

 In the beginning, the earth was formless and empty, darkness. In the city Jungle, cement skyscrapers rise from the ground, No sunrise or sunset can be seen on the horizon. The sky overhead is shaped by the edge of buildings. My soul was trapped, couldn’t breathe, just like the cement.   Day 1: ...

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