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How to Live Between Picnics

In the days of the Victorian era, a picnic in the English countryside was a fine affair. Baskets were carefully packed with meats such as lamb and beef, often put between hearty pieces of wheat bread and garnished with cheeses, lettuce, and celery. Drinks included lemonade and ginger-beer, as well ...

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God’s Favorite Fruits

The farm my dad was raised on during the years of the Great Depression didn’t have indoor plumbing, but it did have two beautiful apple trees in the front yard that gave the best yellow delicious apples ever. So enticing was the fall bounty that Dad would climb the trees ...

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Who Has Your Heart?

The American idea of the Valentine’s Day card came about in 1847, when Miss Esther Howland of Summer Street in Worcester, Massachusetts, received a Valentine greeting all the way from England and decided after admiring it that she could make a better one.  She set about assembling cards with lace ...

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