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Lessons Taught, Character Caught

In early American schoolrooms the art of beautiful penmanship was more important than learning the proper spelling of words, but lessons in good moral character were of the most value. Students began by drawing straight lines over and over before moving on to the letters of the alphabet, and finally ...

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Praise Will Raise

Praising God in trial and tribulation is difficult, even for the grateful heart. Pain has a way of putting itself in the way of counting one’s blessings and remembering God’s former works. Yet it’s praise that raises us—spirit, soul, and body, above the fray, as the door opens for God ...

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God’s Command to Lend a Hand

Remember the stories of how our parents or grandparents trudged through snow drifts, or thunderstorms, or beating sun,  uphill, to get to school each morning?  In some ways, attending school today is much easier that in times past. Many schools today are air-conditioned, dress codes tend to be less restrictive,  ...

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