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How the Wise Number Their Days

It was a bullet from the gun of a brilliant, romantic actor that took the life of President Abraham Lincoln when he was just 56 years old. With the future of his country once again looking hopeful after the long Civil War, the president and his wife were enjoying an ...

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Coconut Cake and Flattery

Darryl’s Bakery made the most wonderful donuts and cakes. I remember going into the little shop, holding my mother’s hand as the bell above the hundred-year-old door rang, announcing our arrival.  Every birthday, Mom would purchase a delicious white cake with little clowns on top, wearing their red and blue ...

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The Color of Humans is Red

1 Peter 2:17 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. As the movement about “black lives matter” spreads in the US, how do we see humans in their right “color”? As I pray to God, I remember a powerful exhibition about human diversity I saw in ...

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