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Are We There Yet?

How many times did you ask that question from the back seat of the family car growing up? I remember the look us kids would get from my mom when we’d ask, “are we there yet?” Our family traveled from Illinois to Indiana in the summers of my childhood, driving ...

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The Precious Name of Jesus

The precious name of Jesus is all I can say. How many of you can say that name and mean it. He’s God all by himself. Tonight, like no other night, God is yanking on me. My tears will not stop flowing because when I think of His goodness I ...

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With the Drop of a Hat

Who knew that the drop of a hat would lead the way to the creation of  America’s favorite chocolate bar?  At age 14, Milton Hershey had left school for good and was working as a printer’s apprentice. He was quite bored with the position, as most young boys of his ...

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