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Don’t Ration Your Gratitude!

My dad really saved things—old gas receipts from 1960, the bill for my sister’s birth in 1968 ($160), his yearbook from 1947, and a war ration booklet from 1942 that belonged to my grandfather.  Ration booklets held stamps that Americans had to shop with to purchase rationed items such as ...

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The Beauty Treatment During Sheltering at Home

Before a girl’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. (Esther 2:12) A Christian friend uses free Line app to lead Bible study and ...

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God is Awakening Christians to Have Faith in Him.

I think about why Covid-19 epidemic comes to the world. Is it for Christians to preach good news more eagerly? Is it God wants to save more lost souls? Recently I prayed through Zoom with my Moms in Prayer group. I heard a mom giving thanks to God for a ...

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