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What is Hidden

Nature was a big part of our childhood. We loved to be outside, so it was a thrill when we moved out of the city to a new subdivision springing up from land that had grown crops and fed horses and cows for over a century. A small creek ran ...

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Consider the Penalty

Punishment in early American life was often public and quite humiliating to the offender. The Puritans of New England believed what God said, taking their laws directly from the bible. Drunkenness, fornication, and even smoking brought down the gavel as fast as stealing from a neighbor.  Scarlet letters were worn ...

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How Are Your Tests Going?

I loved our flashcard tests in third grade when we were learning our multiplication tables, and my favorite test was the Friday spelling test, because I was much better at spelling than I was at some of my other subjects! I always fared well in the spelling bee at school. ...

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