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A Word That Will Save Your Life

Prudence—not a common word in today’s culture, yet a word all can live by and see good days. Prudence is caution, the ability to foresee and avoid an evil thing.  It was a word so valued in early American life that is became a popular girl’s name during the 17th ...

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A Father Who is Never Far Away from You

Most of us  learn things from our father as little children that we draw upon later in life, often coming to the realization that we learned patience, or fairness, or empathy from the man we looked up to the most. When I had a challenging day caring for my three ...

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Thoughts for a New Year

Auld Lang Syne began as a poem, penned in 1788. It told the story of two old Scottish friends with a history together that was worth remembering. As they sat and drank a cup of cheer, they remembered the past with fondness, for old time’s sake—or in their native tongue–auld ...

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