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Will you really…?

Peter said to Jesus: I will lay down my life for you. Jesus said to Peter: Will you really lay down your life for me? (John 13:38)   When I say that God loves me freely and unconditionally, Ask God and my conscience, if I love God with all my ...

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He Does All Things Well…

I’ve written before about the little blond-headed boy who would have been my uncle if fate had not intervened on February 19, 1937. That is the day that little Jimmy died in the county hospital after a short illness due to food poisoning. His death affected all who knew him. ...

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Responsibility: An Unlikely Joy

Household chores were a regular part of childhood in my family, and when done right, a small allowance was our reward. Our house was built for a young bride by her new husband in the 1920’s and still had beautiful wood floors 50 years later when we made it our ...

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