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When Love Spells Silence

Little wooden heads of both men and women peered down from the eaves of the Great Hall in King Henry VIII’s Hampton Court Palace.  They were painted in lovely details: red lips, hair of blond or brown, little crowns of leaves adorned some of their heads. They all went by ...

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Please Respond!

The wedding preparations were a ray of light during the dark days of the Great Depression. Most Americans spent their time trying to keep food on their tables and heat in their homes. The young bride-to-be had worked as a maid after high school graduation, earning enough money to help ...

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The Promise Keeper

God will reward those who keep on seeking Him. He may not come when you want Him to, but He will be right on time. If you will wait on the Lord, He will strengthen your heart. He will heal you and deliver you. He will lift you up and ...

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