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Angel Food and an Attitude

My neighborhood in the 1970’s was like many around the country—filled with local shops owned for generations by neighborhood families. We had a small pharmacy that had assisted those with illness and provided penny candy and small gifts for children for over a century, and the local beauty shop was ...

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The “Altar Call” and “Decisional Evangelism” (part 1)

Is This The “Great Apostasy” The “Altar Call” has been a main stay of the modern day Evangelical evangelistic strategy for as long as anyone can remember. In fact, there are few if any alive today that remembers using any other strategy to lead someone to salvation but by “Accepting ...

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The Tiger Roared Like Never Before

The Tiger Roared Like Never Before On a historic day unlike any other normal Augusta day, After the world’s experts had all long ago agreed, Saying there was no longer any possible way, The Tiger would never again prowl at the Masters! After not hearing his growl, Nor any roar ...

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