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Trusting When You Are Fearful

My mother’s soothing voice was often all I needed as a little girl to calm my childish fears. I have a memory from the age of four when an older neighbor girl told me the story of the “Bogeyman” for the first time, how he came into houses in the ...

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Being Delivered from Depression and Lies

Everything is possible with God. I prayed with my prayer partner this morning with Mom’s in Prayer format (Praise, Confession, Thankfulness, Intercession) and we both were lifted up by God’s grace. The attribute for today is God is truth. During praying time, I listened to what she prayed that God ...

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Never-ending Faithfulness

Every family has a story-teller, the one who shares family history, the one who always remembers a time in their family’s past, or recalls a tried and true saying that still seems to fit well in many scenarios. Now imagine sitting around the family table and telling stories of family ...

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