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Living a Life For God Daily

We are all on a journey to somewhere. There are many ways to go and many paths we can chose. Some of us discover along the way that we have been on a journey toward living for God. Maybe you have already made this discovery or  still exploring. God has ...

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Keep It Clean!

My grandmother could clean circles around me, even in her later years! Her floors always sparkled, she washed every glass and piece of silverware by hand, and I can still see her using her ringer-washer on laundry day when my sister and I would visit. Having a clean and orderly ...

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Are You Making the Grade?

Report cards…little pieces of paper that brought trepidation or excitement based on what type of student was receiving one! When we were in elementary school in the 1970’s, grades for the younger students were given as VG (very good), S (satisfactory), or N (needs improvement). Along with reading, mathematics, and ...

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