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Where is God’s Searchlight Pointing in Your Life?

If you have ever broken a bone, or fallen ill with pneumonia, or experienced a painful toothache, you have likely also benefited from the use of an x-ray in your diagnosis.  Before the accidental discovery of the x-ray in 1895 by German physicist Dr. Wilhelm Rontgen, surgery was often required ...

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Keep Zero Burden

A minimalist doesn’t keep unnecessary thing. Spiritually, we can learn to keep minimum or zero emotional/spiritual burden as well. God the Father has opened the Line through Jesus for me to call Him 24/7. Don’t be fooled by Satan who knows how powerful your “talk” with God is. Satan may ...

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Is God Your Gardener?

Canning in the summer months was once part of many American households. When my mother was a girl in the 1940’s, her mother had a large garden that helped to feed five children throughout the cold Illinois winters. My grandmother spent a week each summer as the season waned, canning ...

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