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Miracles From The California Fires

The town of Paradise was in the path of the “Camp Fire” in northern California. The fire burned down 95 percent of this town of 27,000 people. Pastor Doug Crowder of the Magalia Baptist Church was hustling to save over 30 residents and church members. They were in the church ...

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Time To Stop Playing Church

Every Sunday, churches are filled with those who are simply” playing” games with God. They line up in rows to watch the “show”. If it is good enough, they stay and even come back occasionally. However, if it is not entertaining, they will drift off. Stop with the plastic smiles, ...

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Abiding Victory is Ours

The Velveteen Rabbit knew something about truly living. He knew that life brought loose threads and worn edges, it was about becoming, and real-life required love. He was a little creature of no significance in the beginning, but later he was the beloved best friend of the little boy to ...

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