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Who Is On First

If the Christian life was a game of baseball, then who is at first base will determine how successful you will be in your Christian life. It is a matter of priorities. Let me ask you a question. What comes first in your life? Matthew 6:21 “Where your treasure is, ...

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Hidden Beneath the Symptoms

It’s our nature to become overly focused on unpleasant symptoms. Relief will drive us to try many things, some of them questionable. But the danger in relieving only the symptoms is that if we fail to look beneath them, we may not deal with the cause in a timely manner. ...

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“First Men” To Acknowledge God From Space

I remember sitting at my television the evening of July 20, 1979. I was 20 years of age. From 240,000 miles away I saw live footage of Neil Armstrong become the first man to step on the moon and say the famous words: “That’s one small step for a man, ...

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