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Be on God’s Side

​I read Proverbs 16:14 this morning: “A king’s wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man will appease it.” Right then, the Holy Spirit touched my heart to pray for a sister’s believer husband who is weak and helpless in his spiritual life. I noticed that my prayer ...

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Beneath the Surface

Dolley Madison was one of America’s early first ladies who knew how to make an appearance. She loved fashion and wore the beautiful, embroidered gowns of her time with pride. Pearls graced her neck at the many White House parties she hosted, and she almost always wore a decorative turban ...

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Fully Known

Their names are now known only to God. They were brave young men whose final earthly resting place is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.   They fought for the country they loved, one  in World War I, one in World War II, and one in Korea. These young ...

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