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Five Faith-Based Hollywood Movies To Debut In The Fall

After the huge success of “I Can Only Imagine” Hollywood has embarked upon producing five more faith-based motion pictures. All but one, not yet announced, are scheduled for release in September and October. The movies are: “God Bless The Broken Road” is about a military widow, debuting September 7th. “Unbroken: Path To Redemption” covers ...

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God is With You

We live in a hectic and uncertain world. So much is going on that some of us have lost hope, leaving us to question God. Even in the most troubled times you can be sure of this. God loves you. Jesus. Himself , when speaking about the people who belong ...

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Soldiers of Earth, Soldiers of Heaven

A proud young military man sat in dim light, penning a letter to his family back home. It was the fall of 1918, and he had been stationed in Kentucky for his training before he would enter the battle of the Great War. Influenza raged, causing fear in his camp. ...

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