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Worshipping My Way Through Challenges

Life is a challenge! Living life is a challenge! As we live our lives, each one of us will ultimately have our own cross to bear, pain to endure and obstacles to overcome, and every adversity we undergo is necessary and important to our purpose and life’s work. Without some ...

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God Sees Our Wanderings

We are all the result of the wandering and the coming together of many people, immigrants who packed their worldly wares into trunks and their dreams into their hearts.  My great-great grandparents left Germany in 1870 with dreams of a new home in America, sailing aboard a ship called Leipzig ...

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When God Solves Our Mysteries

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? I remember spending much of my weekly allowance at our local bookstore on my favorite mystery series, Nancy Drew. A lovely strawberry-blond teenager wearing a cloche hat and a beautiful tweed dress, tooling around town in her new convertible given to her by her ...

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