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The Bible: Fiction or Non-fiction

If you don’t take the Bible seriously, and literally, you may as well not even read it. Just put it on your bookshelf with all your other books and leave it there. Really! The sad truth is that many people do not take it literally, but the evidence points to ...

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Don’t Be a “Go-Backer”

The lure of finding gold in Colorado seemed worth the gamble in 1859, as many men struggled to make ends meet in a down economy. Pulling up stakes and spending six months’ income to purchase a team of oxen, risking disease and possible attacks, was outweighed by the strong pull ...

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When Heaven is Revealed

She was the daughter of a Civil War soldier. She passed away before she was thirty, leaving three little girls to grow to womanhood without her influence.  Among the faded certificates of her birth, marriage, and death, there were no images of the young woman, nothing to show the color ...

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