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Treasure Found in Tradition

I remember May Basket Day on the first of May when I was a small child. My mother would help me make cone-shaped paper baskets, then we’d pick Lilly of the Valley and violets from the abundant supply in our yard and fill the little paper holders with fragrant blooms. ...

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Seven Reasons I’m So Glad I’m A Christian

I am so glad that I am a Christian, but there are many ideas that people have about what constitutes being a Christian, so it first needs to be defined. It is not going to church, praying, or even reading the Bible. It is not adhering to some religious dogma ...

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Let the Past be the Past

We spend a lot of time talking about the past the way things use to be. Some of us even focus on what we did back in the day. As Christians we should not be excessively focused on the the past. It is true you can learn from the past. ...

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