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Sin’s Amputation

Giving up something that threatens our health, whether physically or spiritually, can feel like giving up a limb. We can become that attached even to the unhealthy.  But giving up those things that affect our spiritual health can be the difference between life and death. In the late 1700’s and ...

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No Greater Commandment

Neighborliness seems a lost art in our busy American society. Gone are the days when neighborhood mothers kept an eye on every child on their block, and stood ready with correction,  or a bandage, a cool lemonade, or shelter from a sudden storm. But there was a time when this ...

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Don’t Break the Connection

We all spend so much time trying to keep in touch. We use social media to keep connected, but what would you do if that connection was broken?  As Christians we are connected to Jesus. When you plant something there are always vines that help keep that plant growing.  In ...

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