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“I Can Only Imagine”- A Culturally Relevant Movie

If you have not yet seen the movie “I Can Only Imagine” you need to see it. It has important messages for the time in which we live. Evidently, a lot of people feel the same way. Though it cost only 7 million dollars to make it has already grossed over 65 ...

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When to Remember, and Forget

Take a walk with me through one of my childhood homes, purchased from the elderly lady for whom it was built in 1929, when she was a young bride. The living room carpets, thinned by decades of shoe activity, still held their pink floral pattern. They made a perfect maze ...

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Knowing a person starts from listening to his/her story

I was touched by many true stories shared by people through StoryCorps, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect all people through sharing their stories. During research and writing the news about the recent Live event of StoryCorps in St. Paul, I came across a story that a 10-year-old ...

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