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You are a Shining Star

In order for us to be unified as children of God, the Apostle Paul urges us in Philippians 2:2: “Fulfill my joy that ye be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord,of one mind.”  Have you ever noticed that stars work together and no star is more ...

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The Lord is My Helper and Keeper

God is always willing and able to help us. He desires to help us, but the choice is yours. I can remember wrestling with the Word of God,  and it kept me up many nights without sleep. You see fear was my biggest issue as well as not wanting to ...

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The Lord: Our Only Constant

James Elmer left Notre Dame University to join the Navy before his twentieth birthday. World War I was under way and the six- foot former football player felt the call to serve his country. He soon found himself at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station near Chicago, preparing to enter ...

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