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What it Takes to be a Champion

Years ago this was a fitness nation, from Jane Fonda workouts to people spending lots of money to workout at gyms. We are all trying to get in shape. So when was the last time you decided to get your body in spiritual shape? To be champion for Christ, the ...

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Beauty in God’s Eyes

My great-grandmother was beautiful. Her given name was Margaret Mary, but she was known as  “Pretty Marie” from the time she was a girl. Her curly hair was raven-colored, piled high on her head, her eyes large and deep brown in color. She had very defined lips, curved in a ...

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The Origin Of The King James Version

Many Christians consider the King James Version to be the only translation worth reading. They shun all others. On my previous post “Bible Translations or Proper Interpretation?” I even received a comment from a reader who was adamant that the KJV is the original Bible. Since there is so much ...

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