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If Only We Had Time Enough To Love

Fifty-six years ago we started systematically removing God from our schools. This is a much debated topic of late with the school massacre in Parkland, Florida. Few have the Godly wisdom to understand what it has done to our precious children when we began His removal with the banning of ...

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It Pays To Wait

We live in a world where everyone is in a hurry. We spend our time eating fast food. We also want things instantly. Sometimes it pays to wait. In Isaiah 40:31 the bible tells us “THY THAT WAIT ON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH.” We all have problems in ...

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Number Your Days!

In a Midwestern city there stands an old brick building set on a large, tree-filled property. In the 1920’s and 30’s, this now empty building was home for many Tuberculosis victims. All that remains today is that empty building, windows black, rooms empty except for broken pieces of furniture left ...

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