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Navigating the River of Doubt

In early 1914, Theodore Roosevelt was looking for a new challenge after failing to win a third nomination for President. Along with his son, Kermit, and Brazilian explorer Candido Rondon, Roosevelt set off to explore the River of Doubt in the Amazon forest of Brazil. If the former President wanted ...

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All Alone on Valentine’s Day (Poem)

Everywhere I walk, red and pink hearts I see, People walking hand-in-hand, but what about me? I was created with purpose and one of them was to love. It’s one of the greatest gifts from heaven above. Within life’s long winding journey, love often has a path of its own, ...

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Who is on the Lord’s Side?

In life we have to make choices. Some of the choices we make can either be good or bad. Whenever you pick up a menu in a restaurant and order a meal they give a choice of two sides. The same is true in the spiritual realm. We can either ...

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