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Bible Versions Or Proper Interpretation?

I recently interacted with a person online who uses only the King James Version and said that all other versions are satanic. Not only did this person make a very extreme and blatantly false statement, but he failed to realize that translation is not the only determining factor for accurately ...

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Wise Weapons

My great-grandfather was a conductor on our city’s streetcar line for about five years, starting in 1913. My hometown has a rich history that includes many wealthy barons of enterprises such as railroad lines, theaters, and even the distilling of whiskey. Most of its citizens during that heyday were respectable, hardworking ...

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Is Your Heart Right?

The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 2:5 “LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU WHICH IS ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS.” We all need to have the mind of Christ. In the way we all deal with each other and how we think. In order for us to have a relationship ...

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