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When Forgetting is a Good Thing

The old dairy barn looked out-of-place, nestled between a restaurant, a furniture store, and a museum in the center of the city. It had once been a vital part of a large farm that had been swallowed by progress decades before. Everyone knew its days were dwindling, its destruction sure.  Finally, ...

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The Pros and Cons of Cafeteria Christianity

Cafeteria Christianity is becoming more popular these days and as I’ve learned in my faith journey there are pros and cons of engaging in it. Cafeteria Christianity is where, just like in a cafeteria, you pick and choose what you want. It allows for one to take the best of ...

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A Case For A Literal Rapture

One minute you are on Planet Earth; the next moment you aren’t. This is a common belief of many Christians when they think of the rapture of the Church. However, not all people believe in a literal rapture. While it is true that the word “rapture” does not appear anywhere ...

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