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The Lie of an Idol

“Such is the nature of the human soul, that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.” (From Webster’s 1828 Dictionary) Many definitions found in Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary are based on his Christian faith. He defined the soul as the spiritual and immortal substance within the man, ...

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Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

In my conversations with people about the Christian faith, I often point out that Christianity is the only worldview that answers two of the biggest questions in life in a such a way that it elevates mankind to the heights of excellence. These two questions we all ask ourselves at ...

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Honoring Our Parents Will be Rewarded

In the television drama The Waltons, grandparents Zeb and Esther lived with their son, daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren as the family struggled in the grips of the Great Depression.  The family had little in the way of worldly goods, but they had a bond of love and support for one ...

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